Unlock Your Hidden Potential
You exist as Potential, shaped by your brain for surviving (but not thriving) as you face the challenges of your environment. Emotionally hardwired life patterns separate you from your Potential. The quest in personal growth is to reclaim what was obscured and journey further into your potential wholeness.

Welcome!  Are you on a journey seeking a deeper expansion of your potential?  You know it’s there – you can sense it.  But how do you get to the locked door of that potential, find the key, open the door, and step into the reality of a truly expanded world of possibility?  That is exactly the focus of my work – using Emotional Intelligence to Unlock Your Hidden Potential.  It’s the missing piece.  I invite you to explore this website for the HOW of growing your world.  Open the door.  Come and see. Watch the video below to learn more about a powerful process for growth. In particular, find out how your unconscious beliefs about money shape your world.

Your fellow seeker – Rande

How to Break Through the Invisible Barriers that Hold You Back

You can taste the success in your dreams.  Yet, it remains elusive.  It seems so clear, but something keeps getting in your way right at the cusp of victory.  Those invisible walls are the emotional life patterns your brain created and habituated long before you were a thinking creature.  It wired the future “You” for short term survival.  The patterns became so familiar that they disappeared to you. 

You experience those survival patterns  when you hit the limits of your success.  It does not have to be this way.  You can consciously evolve them.  Come learn how.  Watch this video from Rande Howell now.  Learn the tools of inventing the Self anew.

Breaking Through the Invisible Barriers that Hold You back

The Missing Puzzle Piece for Developing Your Potential

You know the pieces are all there. You just cannot see the missing one. You have gone to seminars, read books, listened to podcasts, bought programs that get you charged up, but ultimately the magic fades in a few days or weeks after the initial sense of triumph. Something is missing.

If this has been your experience, the pathway we offer here holds potential for you. Rather than a learning system whose power fades over time, the foundation of true personal development starts with emotional intelligence and the development of the core self. Our program builds that foundation so that it will last and will act as a springboard for launching your true potential.

This work teaches you the HOW of developing yourself. Body, mind, and spirit are integrated into a whole to make way for change.

Rande's New Book

In Unlock Your Hidden Potential, you will be taken on an unexpected and eye-opening journey. The goal of that journey is self-mastery. Ultimately, you get to learn what really makes you tick (even at a cellular level) and why you do the things you do.  More than that though, you will come to realize how you came to be organized into the Self you currently are – and how you can begin the process of truly reshaping your potential into the person you can be.  Many consider this work to be the missing link in all the self-development and self-mastery offerings that seem to fall short of lasting change.

This book condenses all of Rande's research, experience, and practice into this foundational work that will act as a cornerstone to your self mastery journey.

What's really
holding you back?
Are you ready to do something about it? Learn more about the process and how it's different from all other personal development programs.

Awakening the Observing Self: The Game Changer